Ep. 3 — Chronic Part 1: Lydia & Living with Enuresis

In this quite full-length episode, Lydia opens up and shares on a very personal level about her experience growing up with urinary conditions such as urge incontinence and enuresis (bedwetting) and what it’s like living with them to this day. This is the first episode in what will be a series called Chronic, in which we give special attention to the stories of those living with chronic conditions—physical, mental, etc.—with the aim of raising awareness of how common it is to be living and struggling every day with things like chronic pain, a chronic mental health condition, or a chronic physical illness. So much stigma surrounds illness, disease and disorder—physical, but especially mental. Yet, all of us will experience challenges to our physical and mental health, and no one can heal or be healed if we stay in silence. The only way to eliminate stigma and ignorance is to talk about what we are dealing with. That is what we aim to facilitate with this podcast, and specifically with this series. If you are living with a chronic condition that you would feel comfortable speaking about your experiences or having your story told on the podcast, feel free to email us at weturnedoutfine@gmail.com. If you have struggled with enuresis or incontinence, or still do, let us know if you can relate to what Lydia shared in this episode. How does your condition affect your mental health? What kinds of things help to keep mentally and physically healthy with your chronic condition?

Email: weturnedoutfine@gmail.com

Website: weturnedoutfine.com

Twitter: weturnedoutfine

Instagram: wtofpodcast

We Turned Out Fine is created and produced by Naomi and Lydia Jackson and all editing elements by Lydia Jackson. ©2019 We Turned Out Fine.